
The podcast (in Swedish) is hosted by Stella Futura's Ulrika Tornerefelt and the author and advisor Per Schlingmann, with interesting guests within the energy and sustainability space. The podcast was launched in order to accelerate the green transition. To do that, knowledge is required and we need to share our experiences.

Listen to the podcast

The more of us who share knowledge and discuss solutions and market development, the faster the green energy transition will go. So get in the conversations!


#25 – 2030-målen i sikte? / #25 – 2030 climate goals in sight?

Futurapodden meets Mattias Goldmann, founder of the 2030 secretariat and Swedish climate debater.

# 24 – Halvlek Energiåret 2024 / #24 – Halfway through the Energy Year 2024

Futurapodden starts off the fall with a global outlook on the past six months, and looks ahead to th...

# 23 – Ankkurvan intar Sverige / #23 – The duck curve makes its entrance in Sweden

Futurapodden talks to Alicia Björnsdotter Abrams, strategic advisor, former Head of Group Strategy a...

#22 – Energisystem med kunden i centrum / #22 – Energy systems with the customer in focus

Futurapodden meets the newly appointed chairman of Swedenergy (Energiföretagen), Sezgin Kadir, in a...

#21 – Hur kan digitala tvillingar accelerera omställningen? / #21 – How can digital twins accelerate the transition?

Futurapodden discusses digital twins with Åsa Zetterberg, CEO at TechSverige & Daniel Dersén, VP Gro...

#20 – Myterna om vindkraft / The myths about wind power

The Futura podcast continues the discussions with Tomas Hallberg from the Swedish Wind Energy Associ...

Why batteries?

What are the benefits of battery systems in our energy system? How can you create savings? How does the battery contribute to revenue in your business? Why is the performance of inverters important? How do backup systems work?

Learn more about how batteries create value in our energy system

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